Author Book Page, Email Sequence & Amazon Page

Client: Wayne Zell

Wayne leveraged his law firm email list to a hungry audience excited for his book, Your Multi-Million Dollar Exit. Zell Law had its own marketing team that was already set up on Mailchimp. Ultimately, they used my landing page copy for the book page on the firm's existing website. He wanted copy that had professional polish and reflected more of Wayne’s voice as an author, slightly separating him from his established law firm brand. 

Website Book Page with Lead Magnet

Zelle Law chose to feature Your Multi Million-Dollar Exit on the firm's website. A strong headline pulls the reader in, with a powerful testimonial quote to add social credibility.

We were able to leverage influential testimonials to show this isn’t an average business book. And amplify Wayne’s message that every entrepreneur needs a plan to exit their business on their own terms, from day one.  

Wayne Zell Welcome Sequence for Your Multi Million Dollar Exit

Nurture sequence that connects with your reader

The book included an executive summary that gives busy entrepreneurs a fast-paced guide of all the information in the book. We decided to use that as a lead magnet for the sequence. 

In the final email of the sequence we set the readers expectations about how often they’ll hear from Wayne (once a month) and the topics and content they’ll get. He also experimented with offering a free 30 minute consult for a limited time while the book launched.

SEO optimized Amazon page

Popping up in Amazon searches (and 5 star Amazon reviews) are essential for book sales. Wayne’s Amazon page is peppered with researched keywords to optimize for search. And formatted so the reader sees the most important information at a glance.

“Jen worked with us during our high pressure book launch for with multiple strong personalities and competing positions. She understood the big picture, explained the strategy to us, and wrote copy that moved our audience through a sales structure that was engaging and effective.”

~ Lorri Zell, COO, Zell Law

Work with Jen


Welcome Email Sequence Mojo Designs